Download SSS Base VMware- Free.rar.
Sep 19, 2010
Here is a simple way to get SSS3.2 running under VMware Player. First you need VMware player and the SSS v32 or v44 release.. However, I did find that the Progman language packs needed to be installed.
There are 3 zip files available. The zip files are named after the language of the program.
German.rar. I had to download the German language pack and the English language pack. I did not need the Spanish language pack. It will install fine without it.
Dec 30, 2009
You need SSS 3.1.1 or 3.1.2 release for VMware Player. Installation works on my pc, but some other users have reported that installing the program. Is impossible on VMware.
Listed here are the first few items you need to download.
Download: SSS v32.. I suggest installing SSS v32 and SSS v44 and not installing Progman v32 and v44 at the same time.
Jul 20, 2016
Never seen before, but SSS base is not needed anymore. Just download and follow the steps to install.
Jul 23, 2018
If you are using Windows 10, don't download this. Download Virtual Box. The program should install and download and create a.vbox file.
Download: SSS v32.. This does not work on VMware. I would not recommend this because you have to install SSS v32 and v44.
Jan 30, 2017
bmw_sss_3.1.1_Windows_7_x86_64.rar (788.1Mb)
bmw_sss_3.1.1_Windows_7_x86_64_English.rar (772.7Mb)
bmw_sss_3.1.1_Windows_7_x86_64_German.rar (848.8Mb)
bmw_sss_3.1.1_Windows_7_x86_64_French.rar (859.4Mb)
bmw_sss_3.1.1_Windows_7_x86_64_Spanish.rar (842.4Mb)
Jan 21, 2018
I be359ba680
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